

Sweet Bread "Pogaca" with Grapes/ Pogača s grožđem/ Pogača-Brot mit Weintrauben

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While  I was in Bosnia and Herzegovina on vacation, there was not one single day that I did not use for my own little research in diverse bookstores, looking for interesting cook books :) I have found quite a lot, and brought 7-8 of these books with me, and since I have been sick the last few days, I have used this time in bed for reading recipes. So I have come across the recipe for Pogača with grapes, a sweet, crispy bread, which sounded mouthwatering and very different from all breads I have baked before.

For all of you who haven't tried Pogača yet, and would like to find out more about it,  will find more information here. You will find Pogača filled with cheese, with sesame, with spanach, sour cream, Feta Cheese and many more variants. I must admit, a sweet version of Pogača was absolutely new to me, and this was the main reason why I have tried it out. And the fact that I had grapes at home that nobody wanted to eat, and were just waiting to be used :). The result was satisfying, the Pogača is crispy outside, and wonderful moist inside. In my opinion the addition of a little more sugar would not be a bad idea (but that is up to your taste), but the bread itself really deserves to be baked again!

So here is the recipe:
Source: Naša Najljepša peciva. Majstorije. Begen, p. 10.
Preparation Time: 40 min. +  Baking time: 30 min.

Ingredients (for a round baking pan, 28 cm)

 *1 kg of grapes
* 450 g all-purpose wheat flour
* 20 g yeast (germ)
* 4 tablespoons sugar
* 2 tablespoons olive oil
* approx. 200 ml of lukewarm water


Knead the flour, yeast, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and warm water. Knead until you get  a homogeneous dough.
Cut the dough, and roll half of the pastry, just to fit into a round baking pan, covered with baking paper.
Sprinkle the dough with a 2 / 3 of grapes and 2 tablespoons sugar, then cover it with the rest of the dough.
Connect the edges of the dough.
Add the rest of the grapes on the dough, and sprinkle again with sugar.
Pour 1 tablespoon of olive oil  over the dough and leave for 40 min. to rest.
Bake 30 min. at 200 ° C in the preheated oven.
Take out from the oven when the dough gets a golden color.
Let cool. Enjoy warm or cold.


Während ich in Bosnien und Herzegowina im Urlaub war, ist kein Tag vergangen, ohne zumindest für ein Stündchen in verschiedenen Buchhandlungen zu stöbern, immer auf der Suche nach interessanten Kochbüchern!:) Ich habe auch ziemlich viel Interessantes gefunden und brachte so ca. 7-8 mit nach Hause, und da ich leider die letzten paar Tage krank war, nutzte ich diese langweilige Zeit im Bett zum Rezepte lesen. Das Rezept für Pogača mit Trauben ist mir gleich ins Auge gesprungen, ein süßes, knuspriges Brot, welches ich zwar oft gegessen, jedoch noch nie als süße Variante probiert habe.
Für alle, die das Brot-Pogača noch nicht ausprobiert haben, hier ein paar Infos.  Es gibt ja Pogača mit Käse gefüllt, mit Sesam, mit Spinat, Sauerrahm, Feta-Käse u.v.m. Ich muss zugeben, eine süße Version  war absolut neu für mich, also musste es ausprobiert werden! Und auch die Tatsache, da' ich Trauben zu Hause hatte, die einfach niemand essen wollte :) Das Ergebnis war sehr zufriedenstellend, die Pogača ist außen schön knusprig und innen wunderbar saftig. Meiner Meinung wäre die Zugabe von noch ein wenig mehr Zucker keine schlechte Idee (aber das ist bis zu Ihrem Geschmack), aber das Brot selbst verdient es, wieder gebacken werden!  

Zutaten (für eine runde Backform 28 cm):

* 1 kg Trauben
* 450 g Mehl, glatt
* 15 g Hefe
* 4 EL Zucker
* 2 EL Olivenöl
* ca. 200 ml lauwarmes Wasser


Mehl, Hefe, 1 EL Olivenöl und warmes Wasser vermischen, gut durchkneten, bis ein homogener Teig entsteht. Den Teig halbieren, und die eine Hälfte des Teiges so ausrollen, dass es  in die mit Backpapier ausgelegte runde Backform, passt.
Auf die eine Hälfte des Teigs 2/3 der Trauben gleichmäßig verteilen, dann 2 EL Zucker drüberstreuen. Die Ränder des Teiges schliessen.
Auf die Teigoberfläche nochmals Trauben verteilen, zuckern. 1 EL Olivenöl auf den Teig sprenkeln. und  40 min. ruhen lassen. 
Im vorgeheizten Ofen bei 200° C 30 Min. backen.
Aus dem Ofen nehmen wenn die Kruste goldbraun ist. Kalt oder warm genießen!

Na godišnjem odmoru sam iskoristila priliku da malo obiđem knjižare i antikvarijate, u potrazi za našim kuharicama, kojih baš i nemam mnogo. Vratila sam se kući sa jedno 8-9 knjiga i nekoliko časopisa i sveskica koje sam, onako usput, ponijela. Pošto sam posljednjih nekoliko dana bila vezana za krevet (samo se ja mogu prehladiti ljeti!), iskoristila sam priliku da na miru prelistam šta sam donijela i šlepala iz Bosne. U jednoj sveskici sam naletjela na pogaču s grožđem koja me je odmah zaintigrirala. I s obzirom da sam imala još dosta grožđa kući, kojim danima niko ni da priđe, eto meni prilike da ih upotrijebim. Pogača je lijepa, fina, hrskava izvana, a fino sočna iznutra, nama je se jako svidjela! Meni je bila čak i premalo slatka, dok moja druga polovina tvrdi da je baš takva super!

Sastojci (za okrugli pleh 28 cm):
Originalni recept: Naša Najljepša peciva. Majstorije. Begen, p. 10.
Vrijeme pripreme: 40 min. +  Vrijeme pečenja: 30 min.

* 1 kg grožđa
* 450 g brašna
* 15 g kvasca (germu)
* 4 kašike šećera
* 2 kašike maslinovog ulja
* otprilike 200 ml mlake vode

Zamijesiti brašno, kvasac (germu), 1 kašiku maslinovog ulja i mlaku vodu.
Mijesite dok ne dobijete homogenu masu.
Prepolovite tijesto, i polovinu tijesta razvucite u jufku, tako da stane u okrugli pleh, koji ste obložili pek papirom. Tijesto posuti s 2/3 grožđa i jedno 2 kašike šećera, onda pokriti ostatkom tijesta. Spojiti rubove tijesta. Na kraju dodati ostatak grožđa na tijesto, te opet posuti šećerom. Preliti 1 kašikom maslinovog ulja i ostaviti 40 min. da odstoji. Peći 30 min. na 200° C u prethodno zagrijanoj pećnici.



  1. Jako lepa pogača, sočna, a fotke su kraljevske :)

  2. Mmm deluje totalno zanimljivooo plus obozavam sve sto se pece pola sata :D Ajde Tanjci brzoo da nam ozdravis :*

  3. prlepo je sve i mora da je bila ukusna.Ako mogu da preporucim ako slucajno uspes da nadjes od Roalda Dahla:In the Gypsy house njegove uobicajene price o odmoru u toj Gypsy House u Francuskoj gde su svake godine imali amatera zi druge zemlje pa onda najomiljeniji recepti;))
    p.s imas nagradu na mom blogu

  4. I've never had Pagaca bread, but it looks absolutely delicious! I want to go get some grapes and make this tomorrow! Thanks for sharing this recipe!

  5. The picture with the cut bread looks heavenly!
    I have to try this one soon!
    you think it can be done with other fruits?
    P.S.hope you're feeling better my friend

  6. it looks beautiful! and I know the taste is equally wonderful :)! hope you are ok now and your health is back on the right track :)!

  7. ČOKOLADICA- I mene je recept zaintrigirao jer je (barem za mene) neobičan, a 30 min. pečenja(doduše mora se uračunati i vrijeme stajanja dok tijesto naraste) se i meni dopada ;)

    DZOLI- Knjiga zvuči prezanimljivo, obavezno ću da je potražim!!! I puno hvala na nagradici!! :)

    JASNA- To sam i ja pomislila kad sam prvi put vidjela recept ;)

    MJ- Thank you :) If you try it, I would be happy to hear how you liked it!

    FOODDOCTOR- Thank you, Sawsan! Yes, I am feeling better much now! I suppose it can be done with other fruits, but haven't tried yet. I think with dates would be an interesting combination! If you try it out, let me know how it turned out!

  8. Znaš kako sma reagirala kad sam vidjela tvoj današnji post: ajmee, ajmee!:)
    Recept je super a kolač divota!


  9. MMMM! This is really close to a recipe I've wanted to try for awhile, a grape 'foccacia' bread, but this looks even better! Can't wait to try!

  10. Izgleda krasno! Iako volim grožđe, jednom prilikom sam radila focacciu s grožđem i nisam bila oduševljena rezultatom. Od tada izbjegavam grožđe u kolačima.

  11. I think it's very interesting and good idea to make pie with grapes.

  12. Moram praviti, definitivno!!!

  13. Koje divne slike i koja divna pogača!!! Meni je tako žao šta ove godineneću stići do suprugovih u berbu pravog grožđa jer obožavam te divne crve grozdove, miris starih bačvi i pravljenje vina...
    Divan ti je izlet bia i bome si se nakupovala lijepih kuharica :) A to da se ljeti samo ti prehladiš, stojim uz tebe :) Ja sae svako ljeto trudim ne razbolit, al uvik to nekako samo od sebe dođe... No ja ti tad još više nego ikad idem na more da mi miris i sol pročiste sinuse i prehlada brzo nestane :) :)

  14. Lepo izgleda i vrlo je interesantno:)

  15. Odlična ideja sa sad aktuelnim grožđem, oduševio me recept na prvi pogled!

  16. Absolutely stunning pie!! I am drooling big time!

  17. Ok...this is little gem pie:)) what a genius idea Tanja..zaista predivno izgleda i odlican recept!

  18. I love how your pogaca looks :D wish I had some! I'll definitely have to make this!

  19. Baš me zanima što će nam još donijeti sve te kuharice :) Ovo je super!

  20. ZONDRA ART- Hvala *:

    SUGAR BEAM- grape 'foccacia' bread sounds great! Would like to try this, too :)

    WHAT'S FOR DESSERT- za foccaciu s grožđem jesam čula, ali još nisam probala. Znači nije te se dojmilo? Sad si me baš zaintrigirala da i ja probam. Inače u kolačima grožđe volim, ali vrlo rijetko pravim!

    VERA- Ako je budeš isprobala, javi kako se tebi i tvojima dopala- radoznala sam :)

    MAJA- Hvala :)

    MAJA 2- Hvala draga Majo :) Nisam ti jednom spomenula kako ti zavidim što živiš na moru. Evo i iz zdravstvenih razloga to činim ;))) Moji sinusi pate godinama, i mogu zamisliti koliko bi mi lakše bilo kad bih imala prliliku da (duže vrijeme) odem negdje na more...Na berbu grožđa nisam nikad išla, a mislim da bi mi to bilo zabavno!!

    NALE- Hvala :) I meni je recept na prvi pogled djelovao baš interesantno, za mene pomalo neobičan jer znam samo za kolače s grožđem, i jako mi dopala ova varijanta.

    NADA- Hvala, drago mi je da ti se dopada!

    QUAE PO COOKS- Thank you for your lovely comment! I am glad you like my Pogača-Bread :)

    SANDRA- Hvala puno :)

    FIREFLY- Thank you, Suzana!If you make it I would be happy to hear how (and if) you liked the bread! xoxo

    MARINA- Biće sigurno još zanimljivih recepata, obećavam!:)

  21. What a fantastic cake. I've never had this and I am most intrigued. You have a beautiful blog and it was a pleasure to visit here. I'll be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  22. This looks beautiful! What a great cake!

  23. I ja mislim da bi ti bilo zabavno jer i ja većinom gledam kako to drugi rade. Dalmatinka, šta ćeš :) Nadam se da ćeš brzo ozdravit :) kiss

  24. au, Tanja, divno izgleda ova pita! kakve boje....

  25. nisam nikada probala ovakvu pogaču s grožđem, baš super izgleda!

  26. Svaka čast! Ovo ću probati! Gde je grožđe tu sam i ja :)


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