

Chocolate Delight Cookies

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I was baking this weekend. The WHOLE weekend. Christmas is so near, and there still are so many things to be baked until then, not only for us, but for our friends and working colleagues as well. Me and my darling have decideded to make the Holidays even more sweeter by making our own edible gifts for our dearest friends. Ok, we both have decided that, but I am the one who is going to make these edible goodies. :)  The first 3 gifts I made look like this:

This Cookie Jar consists of Sweet Trolley's Chocolate Delight Cookies, which are wonderfully moist and chocolatey, and some delicious White Chocolate Poppyseed Crescents. I will post the recipe for the Chocolate Delight Cookies today, the recipe for White Chocolate Poppyseed Crescents I will post next time!
These Chocolate Delight Cookies are scrumptious, they are a Hit in our family! Some of these cookies I have rolled in powder sugar before baking, which turns out to be very decorative! Try it out, you will love these black & white beauties :)

And here is the recipe, I sticked to the original recipe, the only change I have made was the usage of  powder sugar for some of my cookies:

Dieses Jahr haben ich und mein Schatz beschlossen, unsere lieben Freunde, aber auch Arbeitskollegen mit "süßen Geschenken" zu beschenken, zum allerersten Mal. Das heisst, WIR haben es beschlossen, und ICH "darf" die Geschenke "produzieren" und verpacken. Ich bin ja eigentlich ziemlich spät dran mit Plätzchen backen dieses Jahr (was auch der Hauptgrund für meinen Wochenend-Back-Marathon war :D), aber es macht mir einfach unglaublich viel Spaß!
Meine ersten 3 Goodies bestehen aus den unbeschreiblich lecker schokoladigen Chocolate Delight Cookies, die ich bei der lieben Katie von Sweet Trolley gesehen habe, und aus meinen Lieblingskeksen: Mohnkipferln mit weissem Schokoüberzug. Das Mohnkipferl-Rezept gibt es dann im nächsten Post!
Und hier das Rezept, welches ich streng befolgt habe, außer das ich ein Teil der Cookies vor dem Backen in Puderzucker gewälzt habe. Sehr dekorativ und sehr lecker! Alle sind von diesen Schokobomben hellauf begeistert, es sind nur noch ein paar Stück da... Morgen backe ich sie noch mal! Vielen Dank Katie (& Sunny :)) für dieses tolle Cookie-Rezept!! 


Ove godine po prvi put poklanjamo dragim prijateljima i radnim kolegama "slatke paketiće", a pošto sam u zaostatku s pečenjem blagdanskih kolačića i keksića provela sam cijeli vikend u kuhinji praveći svakakve slatkiše. Prva tri poklončića izgledaju kao na prvoj slici gore, sastoje se iz ultračokoladnih keksića koje sam otkrila na blogu Sweet Trolley, i koji su me oduševili ne samo jednostavnošću pripreme nego i okusom. Prave čokoladne bombice, nimalo suhi, naprotiv, fino su sočni i "čokoladasti".  Dragom sam morala skloniti kutiju s ovim keksima jer se on nije mogao zaustaviti da ih jede :) 
Držala sam se originalnog recepta, jedino sam jedno polovicu keksića prije pečenja uvaljala u šećer u prahu. Jako efektno i dekorativno! A recept ide ovako:


  1. Odlično je što ste se odlučili poklanjati slatke paketiće! Da barem mene očekuju takvi pokloni! Čokoladni keksići su uvijek dobar izbor.

  2. Prekrasni kolačići, prava poslastica za blagdane!:)
    Lijep pozdrav draga!

  3. Looks so delicious,great cookies recipe !!

  4. Tanja, these cookies are so festive and beautifully presented...thank you for sharing the recipe andHappy Holidays!

  5. wow!! They look very delicious!!! I will defently give it a try for Holidays!!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!

  6. mhhh das sieht ja toll aus bei dir!

  7. Prava vrijedna vrednica! Ja nisam još ni počela - svaki dan odgađam za onaj drugi. Tješim se da do Nove ima dana, ali dani nekako odmiču pre brzo. Divni su ti ovi kolačići, baš mame.

  8. They look heavenly, as if from an other world! O.O keep some aside, I am coming!!! ;)

  9. Divni su! Posebno ovi uvaljani u secer u prahu. Super ideja za poklone, mada imas sigurno dosta posla oko toga. :) Za najdraze prijatelje trud se isplati! :)

  10. prekrasni paketići, mene bi obradovali!

  11. They look absolutely delicious and am now hoping that I would be receiving one of these treat boxes :)


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