

Amaretto Brownie Muffins

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These Brownie bites are an adaption of a brownie recipe that I make often but have not posted yet, this time in muffin form. A cake disguised as muffin, very rich in taste, not overly sweet (if you like it sweeter add more sugar), irresistable! Decorate them with a heart of icing sugar, and you will have lovely Valentine's Day Treats :)

Ingredients (makes 24 muffins):

125 g brown sugar (Muscovado or Demerara)
2 eggs 
125 g butter, melted
200 ml milk
1 tablespoon vanilla extract (I used homemade)
225 g plain flour
50 g cocoa, unsweetened
100 g semi-sweet chocolate
60 ml Amaretto liqueour
50 g almonds, chopped
1 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt


  • Preheat oven to 180°C/ 350 F.
  • Melt butter and chocolate (separate) until smooth and shiny. Set aside.
  • Prepare muffin tin. Grease muffin cups or use muffin liners. 
  • Whisk together eggs and sugar, using a wooden spoon or spatula (no mixer needed).
  • Pour in melted butter, melted chocolate, milk, amaretto and vanilla extract. Add almonds. Combine. 
  • Sift together flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt into the mixing bowl, incorporate with a wooden spoon.
  • Fill greased muffin cups (or muffin liners) 2/3 full. 
  •  Bake at 160° C for 12-15 minutes.
  • Dust with cocoa or icing sugar before serving. 

Imam već godinama recept za brownies koji sam prilagodila svom ukusu, dodavala i oduzimala sastojke, smanijila šećer, dok nisam dobila ono što i meni i M. najbolje odgovara. Jučer sam ovaj kolač isprobala u formi muffina, čisto iz radoznalosti, da vidim kako će ispasti. Rezultat je odličan, kolačići su izgubili pomalo onu pomalo ljepljivu unutrašnjost, što im nije naškodilo, divno su meki, sočni, čokoladasti, ne previše slatki (ako volite više slatko dodajte još šećera), a kombinacija amaretta i sjeckanih badema savršena. Upravo grickam jedan kolačić dok pišem ovaj post, uz meni omiljeni čaj od mente... I idući dan su odlični! Meni su najbolji kad su posuti s puno kakaa, ali ih na primjer možete ukrasite srčekom i od prah šećera. Zgodan način da dragoj osobi na Valentinovo pokažete da je volite, zar ne?:-)

 Za 24 kolačića potrebno je:

125 smeđeg šećera (Muscovado, ili Demerara)
2 jaja
125 maslaca, istopljenog
200 ml mlijeka
1 žlica ekstrakta vanilije (koristim domaću)
225 g brašna, glatkog
50 g kakao praha (gorkog)
100 g tamne čokolade (70% kakaa)
60 ml amaretto likera
1 žličica praška za pecivo
prstohvat soli
50 g sjeckanih badema


  • Zagrijte peć na 180 °C.
  • Pripremite košarice za muffine, ili silikonske kalupiće. 
  • Rastopite maslac, stavite u stranu. Istopite čokoladu.
  • U zdjeli spatulom ili drvenom varjačom izmiješajte jaja i šećer. Mikser nije potreban.
  • Umiješajte istopljeni maslac, rastopljenu čokoladu, mlijeko, vanilliju, amaretto liker.
  • Punite kalupiće ili košarice (otprilike 2/3, tijesto će narasti). 
  • Peći na 160°C otprilike 12- 15 minuta. 
  • Prije serviranja posuti kakao prahom ili prah šećerom.
  • Najbolji su još topli, ali i hladni, a sočni su i idući dan!


  1. Divine! A wonderful Valentine's Day treat.



  2. Baš su krasni, i sočni i čokoladni, uf :)
    eto ja isto pijem caj od mente i jedem čokoladne keksiće ali bi rado pojela sada jedan tvoj muffin:)

  3. They look super moist. Perfect for anytime quick snack!!!

  4. Mljac, mljac, baš zgodan (i ukusan) način za izjaviti ljubav!

  5. Oh, oh, oh , kakvi divni mafinu. Volim spoj čokolade i alhohola u ovom slučaju amaretta. Joj, što nisi bliže da dođem na jedan. :)

  6. Prekrasni! Ne trebam ni reć da su i sigurno fini ;)

  7. Beautiful muffins, Tanja! I love the hearts! :)

  8. They look sinful! Your photos are gorgeous as usual!


  9. Yummy muffins! So chocolaty and with amaretto! I love them.

  10. Krasni su, a dekoracija je jednostavna i efektna :)

  11. Super su mi ovi kolačići i odmah ih bilježim za isprobavanje ! Sviđa mi se ovaj oblik muffina sa srcem, baš su veseli i jako lijepi !

  12. Čokolada, bademi, amareto...mmmmmmm...predivno!

  13. Oh Tanja...those look yummielicious! Predivne fotke! Happy V-Day sa malim zakasnjenjem! :D

  14. the muffins look delicious. I will definitly bake them! thx for the recipe.

  15. SUPER cute, Tanja! Hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day with your husband! These amaretto brownie muffins look really delicious. I love the heart mark on top of the muffin too! That's a cute heart!

  16. Love these, Tanja. These are such refined brownie bites with the Amaretto and the way you dressed them up. :)

  17. They look awesome! Did you do anything to fix the icing sugar on top or does it just stay without doing anything? Could imagine it might loose it's shape just because of the air... Or do you have a special technique?

    Ms. Schnee

  18. wow looks very chocolatey and moreish, Tanja! I always find cake and muffin so interchangeable, but this is exceptionally good:-)

  19. Wowww... Looks very very delicious and inviting.. awesome pictures too.. thanks for the wonderful recipe.. Happy to follow your blog :)


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  21. These are beautiful brownies!


  22. sljedeći put, ovaj recept, kuhinja i ja :)


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