

Currant Oat Muffins/ Ribisel- Haferflocken Muffins/ Muffini s ribizlama i zobenim pahuljama

Last weekend I have made redcurrant oat muffins for the very first time, and was pleasantly surprised how tasty they were. These muffins are not too sweet, the redcurrants in combination with oatflakes harmonize perfectly and really are a good alternative to the very often oversweetened versions of muffins.  I have found the recipe here while searching for some nice, new recipes with redcurrants, and it will not be the last time I made them!  The only thing I will change is using honey instead of sugar next time. It's a delicious way to use red currants when in season in July!

Für Rezept in Deutsch bitte scrollen:

                                Ingredients (makes 12 servings):  
               100 g sugar               
80 g Butter
1-1/2 tsp vanilla sugar
2 egg (s)
140 g all-purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
80 g oatflakes
200 g yogurt
200 g redcurrants
icing sugar, for dusting

  1. In a large bowl whisk together  butter, sugar and vanilla sugar until fluffy. Stir in the eggs, first one, stir again, then add the other one.
  2. In a separate bowl combine flour, baking powder and oatflakes. Then add it to the butter/sugar/egg mixture, add yogurt and stir briefly.
  3. Sprinkle with currants.
  4. Butter and flour a 12-tin Muffin pan or use liners.
  5. Preheat the oven at 180°C, then fill the liners (or pan)  to 2 / 3 full with batter. 
  6. Bake at 180 degrees for about 20-25 minutes until golden or till a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean  Let cool in pan.
  7. Decorate with a little powdered sugar (if you like it sweeter) and currants.

Letztes Wochenenede habe ich zum ersten Mal Ribisel-Muffins mit Haferflocken probiert.  Das Originalrezept findet ihr hier. Ich habe die Zuckermenge von 120 g auf 100 g reduziert, aber nur weil ich persönlich meine Muffins nicht allzu süß mag. Nächstes Mal ersetze ich den Zucker mit Honig! Herausgekommen sind wunderbar saftige, süß-säuerliche Muffins, die wir am Wochende zum Frühstück genossen haben.  

Zutaten (für 12 Muffins):
80 g  Butter 
                                                 120 g  Zucker                                                  
1 Pck.  Vanillezucker 
2   Ei(er) 
140 g  Mehl 
2 TL, gestr.  Backpulver 
80 g  Haferflocken 
200 g  Joghurt 
200 g  Johannisbeeren, (Ribiseln) 
 etwas  Puderzucker, zum Bestäuben 
  1. Butter, Zucker und Vanillezucker schaumig rühren. Die Eier einzeln nach und nach gut unterrühren.
  2. Mehl, Backpulver und Haferflocken vermischen und zusammen mit dem Joghurt kurz unterrühren.
  3. Zum Schluss noch die Ribiseln unterheben.
  4. Muffinsform befetten oder mit Papierförmchen auslegen, zu 2/3 mit Teig befüllen.  
  5. Bei 180 Grad ca. 20-25 Minuten backen.
  6. Ausgekühlt mit etwas Puderzucker bestäuben.

Prošli vikend sam po prvi put napravila muffine s ribizlama i zobnim pahuljicama, jer sam tražeći neki fini receptić s tim voćkicama naletjela na ovaj  recept, koji mi je zvučao zanimljivo. Muffini su ispali jako fini, sočni, kiselkasti (jer sam smanjila količinu šećera od 120g na 100 g, a idući put ću staviti med!). Za ljubitelje slatkih kolača će biti potrebno dodati šećer, ali meni i dragom su ovako kiselkasti odlično "sjeli" onako za doručak uz čašu mlijeka i kafu s mlijekom.

                      Sastojci (za 12 muffina):
                              80 g maslaca
120 g šećera
vanilija šećer
2 jaja (a)
140 g brašna
2 praška za pecivo
80 g zobne pahuljice
200 g jogurta
200 g ribizli
šećer u prahu za glazuru
  1. Maslac, šećer i vanilin šećer umiješati mikserom dok ne dobijete pjenastu masu.. Umiješajte jaja, prvo jedno, malo umutite pa onda drugo.
  2. Izmiješajte brašno, prašak za pecivo i zobene pahuljice  pa onda dodajte jogurt i  s kratko promiješajte.
  3. Na kraju dodajte ribizle, promiješajte lagano varjačom.
  4. Tijesto stavite ili u mamaštene i pobrašnjeni pleh za muffine ili u korpice za muffine, napunite  2/3 korpica. 
  5. Pecite na 180 stupnjeva oko 20-25 minuta dok muffini ne dobiju zlatnosmeđu boju (ili test s čačkalicom).
  6. Dekorirati se s malo šećera u prahu (ako volite) i ribizlama.


  1. Još nisam radila muffine sa zobenim pahuljicama. Moram isprobati. Odlična ti je slika ribizli.

  2. Sto dobro izgleda, super.Pozdrav.

  3. @What's For Dessert: Hvala :) I meni je prvi put da sam probala zobene pahuljice, i meni se baš dopalo. Muffini su ispali jako sočni i fini!

    @Miodrag: Hvala puno! :) Pozdrav!

  4. Those muffins look delicious! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Jako jako jako mi se sviđaju! :)

  6. Tanjic ovo boza nstveno izgleda, fotke su carobne :)))

  7. The muffins look wonderful! Those currants are so pretty!

  8. These are so pretty and look delicious!! :)

  9. Thank you for sharing this amazing creation Tanja
    they look super moist

  10. Man, I've never had anything but the dried, shrivelly currents you get in the prune section. These muffins look brilliant!

  11. @Eftychia: Thank you for your kind comment! Theese muffins taste so moist and delicious, we enjoyed them a lot!

    @Marina: Hvala puno :)

    @Jacamaca: Hvala puno Jaco! :)

    @Erin: Thank you :) They really are so pretty to look at!

    @Kelly@Eat Yourself Skinny: Thank you!:) I am glad you stopped by!

    @thefooddoctor: Thank you so much Sawsan :) Yes, they are super moist, just as we love them!

    @Parsley Sage: Thank you! Please try the fresh ones when you get the chance, they taste excellent in cakes and desserts!

  12. This looks AMAZING! What a great recipe, and pictures are as always mouthwatering!!! Odlicno Tanja!!!

  13. Those muffins look so tempting and delicious! I would love one for the breakfast.

  14. @Sandra: Thank you :)))) Pozz ;)

    @Angie's Recipes: Thanks for visiting Angie! We also had ours for breakfast. With a cup of milk it was just perfect :D

  15. These muffins sound scrumptious!! Love the flavors! The only time I get to have red currants is when I go to Macedonia...I can never find them around here. I'm sure they have them, just not in this part of the USA.

  16. @Diethood: I am sure that the macedonian red currant s taste amazing! :))))

  17. Predobra kombinacija Tanja! Ribizle obožavam u bilo kojem spoju, a ovaj tvoj spoj sljubljen u muffinima je fantastičan :)

  18. Ribizle izgledaju prekrasno a isto tako i muffins. Zanimljiv je recept, sviđaju mi se zobene pahuljice u tijesti i slažem se da bi dobro išao i med. Sugurno jako fini doručak !

  19. The red currants are so beautiful! Like little jewels. I am sure they tasted good too.


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