

Raspberry-Nectarine Clafoutis/ Himbeer-Nektarinen Clafoutis/ Clafoutis s malinama i nektarinama

Clafoutis, sometimes also spelled *Clafouti, is a baked French Dessert most often with cherries arranged in a buttered deep dish pie plate or quiche pan, covered with a thick *flan-like batter. It is usually dusted with powdered sugar and tastes best when it is still warm. For this classic French dessert, I swapped in raspberries and nectarines for the traditional cherries, and adapted this raspberry clafoutis to my taste.

Für Rezept in Deutsch bitte scrollen:

serves 4 (I used round, small dishes /13 cm)

* 3 eggs
* 50 grams powdered sugar
* 1 pinch salt
* 200 ml milk
* 110 grams flour
* 100 grams of raspberries
* 4 nectarines, ripe, sut into slices
* butter for the mold
* Icing sugar for dusting


Preheat oven to 225° C. Whisk in the eggs with the icing sugar and a pinch of salt, whisking steadily. Add milk and continue stirring, then stir in the flour. Mix again until smooth. Coat the pie/quiche pans with butter, then place half of the batter into the dishes, arrange some rasperries in them, Top with the remaining batter. The dough is of about the consistency of a slightly thicker crepe batter. Arrange the nectarines in a pattern over the batter. Bake for about 20 minutes. Be sure to watch the oven, as the clafouti should not get too brown. To serve, sprinkle with some icing sugar. It tastes best when still lukewarm. Enjoy!

Mir war gestern nach etwas süßem, einem Dessert, wo ich auch meine fast schon überreifen Nektarinen verwenden konnte und habe mich für eine Clafoutis- Variante mit Himbeeren (ich hatte nur noch sehr wenige) un Nektarinen (davon hatte ich sehr vele :D).
Ein Clafoutis (klafuti) ist eine französische Nachspeise, die einen stark an eine Auflaufversion von Kuchen erinnert. Es besteht aus Obst und einem flüssigen, gesüßten Eierteig, der einem Pfannkuchenteig ähnelt. In der Regel wird es in einer Auflauf- oder Quicheform gebacken. Dabei wird so vorgegangen, dass zunächst das Obst in die gefettete Form gelegt und dann der Teig darübergegossen wird. Ich habe  dieses Rezept mangels Himbeeren adaptiert und leckere Himbeer-Nektarinen Clafoutis gebacken.

(für 4 Förmchen. 13 cm Durchmesser):

* 3 Eier
* 4 reife Nektarinen, in feine Scheiben geschnitten
* 50 g Puderzucker
* 1 Prise Salz
* 200 ml Milch
* 110 g Mehl
* 100 g Himbeeren
* Butter für die Form
* Puderzucker zum Bestäuben


Backofen auf 225° C vorheizen. Die Eier mit dem Puderzucker und einer Prise Salz schlagen. Milch zufügen und weiterrühren, dann das Mehl unterrühren. Aufpassen, dass sich keine Klümpchen bilden. Entweder eine ofenfeste runde Form - oder mehrere kleine Förmchen (habe ich benutzt) - ausbuttern und ein paar Himbeeren gleichmäßig verteilen. Dann die Hälfte des Teiges drübergeben. Ein paar Nektarinenscheibne verteilen. Dann den restlichen Teig drübergießen. Der Teig hat ungefähr die Konsistenz eines etwas dickeren Crepe-Teiges. Die kleinen Förmchen sind bereits nach 20 Minuten fertig. Wenn Das Clafoutis in einer großen Backform gebacken wird, verlängert sich die Backzeit auf insgesamt ca. 40 Min. Unbedingt öfters nachsehen, die Calfoutis sollten nicht allzu braun werden. Falls sie zu schnell bräunen gegebenenfalls mit Alufolie abdecken. Clafoutis am Besten noch lauwarm mit Puderzucker bestäuben und servieren. Genießen! :)

Clafoutis [klafuti] je francuski desert, koji je je i izgledom i okusom nešto između kolača i pudinga. Najpoznatiji clafoutis je onaj sa trešnjama, ali se može praviti i sa drugim voćem, kao npr. šljivama, breskvama, jagodama, malinama... Imala sam samo malo malina, ali utoliko više jako zrelih, mirišljavih nektarina koje sam odlučila "spariti". Rezultat je bio fantastičan, slatkoća nektarina je odlično harmonirala uz kiselkaste maline, i mogu vam reći, sve smo pojeli u roku od nekoliko minuta (svako po dvije zdjelice- stidim se... ;)

Recept sam adaptirala, smanjila količinu malina ali zato ubacila 4 nektarine, fino nasječene na tanke kriškice.

(za 4 zdjelice, promjera 13 cm)

*3 jaja
*4 zrelih nektarina, isjeckane na tanke kriške
*50 g šećera u prahu *1 prstohvat soli *200 ml mlijeka *110 grama brašna 
*100 g malina *maslac (za kalup)
ećer u prahu (za dekoraciju)


Zagrijati pećnicu na 225° C. Umutiti jaja sa šećerom, dodati prstohvat soli. Onda dodati mlijeko i nastaviti miješanje, a zatim polagano umiješati i brašno. Pazite da ne ostanu kvržice brašna. U umaštene zdjelice rasporediti po nekoliko malina, i onda dodati polovicu tijesta. Na tijesto ravnomjerno rasporediti kriške nektarina. Preliti ostatak tijesta, i na vrhu poredati opet nekoliko kriški nektarina/ malina. Tijesto treba biti malo deblje od tijesta za Crepe ili palačinke. Pecite Clafoutis oko 40 minuta, ako upotrebljavate jednu veliku vatrostalnu zdjelu, a ako koristite one male, dovoljno je otprilike 20 minuta. Pazite da tijesto ne potamni prebrzo i previše. Clafoutis je gotov kada dobije zlatno smeđu boju. Najbolje servirati toplo sa malo šećera u prahu.

Uživati! :)


  1. Mmmmh. What a great combination of fruits for a clafoutis! Sounds absolutely fantastic. Saved and buzzed!

  2. Dopada mi se, nema sta da se kaze, samo da se belezi i proba. Pozdrav...

  3. @German Mama: Thank you for stopping by and for the buzz love:) It really tastes delicious!! Have a great evening! Tanja

  4. Prekrasan recept!!!

    You go girl :))

  5. Malo je zahladilo pa bi se mogla i pećnica uključiti jer ovo mi se jako sviđa! Pogotovo onako u malim zdjelicama!

  6. Wow gorgeous photos! This looks incredible! :)

  7. We must be on the same page right now! I just made raspberry amarettos clafoutis. Yours looks great.

  8. Ovo je kao i svi tvoji recepti vrlo vrlo fino:)Ja sam veliki ljubitelj vocnih poslastica;)

  9. Josh jedna divna vocna kreacija, ..bravo Tanja!

  10. Evo krenula mi voda na usta..Amazing Tanja! Beautiful pictures and one fantastic recipe!!!

  11. Nisam probala kombinaciju breskvi i malina, ali sam vidjela dosta takvih recepata. Clafoutis volim tako da ću vjerojatno probati.

  12. @JCGirl: Hvala puno! :)

    @Snježa: Tako je bilo i kod mene. Malo je zahladilo, i pećnica se morala upaliti ;) Ako isprobaš bilo bi mi drago čuti utiske!

    @Kelly: Thank you for your wonderful comment! It doesn't only sound, it is sooo delicious! Me and my fiance had tvo portions each. Bad for the figure, but wonderful for the tummy ;)

    @Carolyn: Oh, sounds great! Have you posted it? I am off to check your blog now!

    @Dzoli: Hvala :) I mi smo, mozda vise nego sto je treba... Pozz :)

    @Jasna: Hvala puno :)

    @Sandra: Thank you girl! Veliki pozdrav:)

    @What's for dessert: Sa malinama i breskvama sam vidjela nekoliko recepata, ali sa nektarinama i malinama jos nisam. Preporucujem, jer je stvarno jako ukusno!

  13. It looks heavenly. I love desserts with fruit and you really chose a wonderful combination.

  14. Thank you Hani! Love desserts with fruit too- maybe too much ;))

  15. čista fantazija, ništa manje! ovo ti je odlično

  16. It's been so long since I've had clafouti! Must be so good with the raspberries and nectarines!

  17. Wow, this DOES look incredible! Love the fruit combination~

  18. Outstanding! I can see why it has reached 'yummiest' status :) Buzzed!

  19. Videla sam ih kod Maje u raznim varijantama i verujem da su jako fine pogotovu što trpe razne dodatke i izmene voća.

  20. @Miodrag: Hvala puno :) Pozdrav!

    @Tamara: Hvala, drago mi je da ti se dopada. I vjeruj, preukusno je!

    @Charlie@SweetSaltySpicy: The combination of raspberries and nectarines is so tasty! Thank you for stopping by, Charlie! :)

    @Lizzi: Thank you for your lovely comment Lizzy! Love this combination too!

    @Parsley Sage: Thanks a lot for the Buzz love! It's appreciated! :)

    @Jelena: Jesu, jako su fine i ukusne. Odoh kod Maje da vidim kojih varijanti ima kod nje! Obožavam njene recepte :)

  21. Tanya, magnificent, great, and very tasty! Beautiful photos!

  22. Thank you, dear Eliksir!

    поздрави :)

  23. I love me a slice of clafoutis, and I can definitely appreciate the delicious combination of raspberries and peaches...that sounds soooo yummy-good!

  24. Hallo, Tanja!
    Deine Clafoutis sehen fabelhaft aus, lecker sind sie auch bestimmt.:-))
    Ich habe schon mal Clafoutis mit Aprikosen gebacken, also weiss aus eigener Erfahrung, wie gut sie schmecken.
    Die Fotos sind wie immer fantastisch!
    Eine schöne neue Woche wünsch ich Dir!
    Liebe Grüße

  25. @Diethood: Kate, thank you :) We appreciate this combination too. The sweetness of nectarines in combination of the sourness of raspberries is so delicious!

    @Moni: Vielen lieben Dank :) Clafoutis mit Aprikosen habe ich noch nicht probiert, kann mir vorstellen, wie gut sie schmecken!
    Ich wünsche Dir auch eine wunderschöne (ich hoffee auch eine sonnigere als bei uns) Woche!
    Liebe Grüße, Tanja

  26. that looks so fluffy and creamy :) The color looks gorgeous and with those cherry bites in between .. yummy.

  27. Your clafoutis looks delicious! and your blog is lovely:)

  28. Hi Tanja, love the look of this recipe! I am even more impressed by your blog, and your running it in three languages! Cudos... and nice to meet you ;) Kate

  29. hi Tanya! What a sunny photos, on the day like this, when it is quite cloudy and cold in North Yorkshire I could not wish for more. Or maybe for a spoonfull of clafoutis. ;) Is one of your languages Česki or Slovenski? I am sorry I can't really tell the difference in writing, I am probably better when I hear it. ;) All the best!

  30. @Kankana, thank you so much!:)

    @Asix: Thank you :) Thanks for stopping by!:)

    @Kate: Thank you for your lovely comment! I have started in 2 languages, but added English just recently as quite a few english-speaking foodie friends were having problems understanding the recipes, as -unfortunately- the Translator does not always help much...Btw, it's so nice to "meet" you too! Looking forward to sharing!

    @Karolina: Hi, and Welcome! :) Here in Austria it's the same: it's cloudy, very cold, just like it's October! No, Česki & Slovenski are not my languages, but it's definitely Slavic too :D: Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian. Greetings from cloudy Vienna to cloudy North Yorkshire! ;)

  31. Draga moja Tanja, slike su ti zaista, ali zaista tako prekrasne, svijetle, osunčane... Divim se!
    Ova kombinacija mora da je divna, volim Clafoutis, a do sada sam ga radila samo s bobičastim voćem, trešnjama, višanjama... Zvuči odlično :)

  32. One of my favourites and a great spur of the moment dessert...clafoutis. I make a pear one but yours looks delicious. I need to break out and try different variations. This one looks like a good contender!

  33. Hi, Tanja! I enjoyed reading about your family history in the kitchen (in About Me), as well as your last photo in this post -- it highlighted this dish perfectly. Can hardly wait to try it!

  34. Draga Majo, hvala puno na divnom komentaru, to mi mnogo znači, jer vrijedno radim an popravljanju kvalitete slika, i tako malim koracima, svaki dan, učim i učim... A tvoj clafoutis s trešnjama imam u bilješkama, na mojoj listi isprobavanja je, samo nikako da se dočepam trešanja :)

    @Nazneen: I am also into it atm... :) A pear clafoutis is something I have to try! I am sure it's delicious!

    @alittlelunch: Thank you :) I highly recommend it to try- it tastes heavenly!

  35. Svidja mi se!!Posto nisam ljubitelj malina,mogu samo breskve?Tanjice,dodji po nagradicu kod mene:))

  36. AMAZING Tanja..I was waiting for this heavenly creation..I might just make it tomorrow
    thank you for sharing

  37. Clafoutis habe ich noch nie gebacken, deine sehen aber sehr köstlich aus!
    Liebs Grüssli aus der Schweiz

  38. @Maja: Hvala puno na nagradici!!! Mogu i samo breskve, i skoro svako drugo voće, po želji!:)
    Pozdrav! :)

    @Sawsan, thank you, that's sweet!:) Please, if you make it tell me how you liked it!

    @Irene: Vielen lieben Dank!
    Liebste Grüße aus Österreich in die schöne Schweiz! Tanja

  39. Uf, kako me uvik mamiš s ovako finom hranom :)

  40. Tanja what a pretty dessert! Never made clafoutis before. Now you inspired me make one.

  41. Clafoutis obožavam , a ovaj tvoj je predobar i prekrasan !!

  42. I love this recipe :) I make something similar, but yours is so good I'll need to try it :D

  43. Such a great idea Tanja! I love nectarines! Bookmarked for our summer! :-))))

  44. Izgleda odlično i jednostavno za pripremu! Hvala ti.. Znam što ću sutra, za nedjeljni desert! :)


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