It is a cloudy, cool day (again), and I cannot believe that summer is gone- at least for the moment! I am packing today, looking forward to our summer vacation, but this ugly weather does not really create a "summer feeling"... Hope this will change when we finally are on the road :D Before I leave, let me post one cake recipe that I usually make in autumn or winter, wonderful and rich walnut squares, that fit perfectly to a cup of tea or coffee! It fits nicely to this autumn weather... Sigh...
But let me get back to the recipe:
Für Rezept in Deutsch bitte scrollen:
(for small baking tray 20 x20 cm)
Recipe: from my mother
Preparation time: 15 min. Bake: 30 min.
500 g all- purpose flour
180 g butter
100 g brown sugar
100 ml milk
7 g dried yeast (or 21 g fresh yeast)
jam of your choice (I used apricot jam)
100 g ground walnuts
100 g brown sugar
Knead the dough made of flour, milk and yeast, stir the pieces of cold butter and sugar. Roll out the dough. Spread the batter into a greased 20x20 cm baking pan (or at greaseproof paper). Coat batter with jam, then sprinkle with a mixture of walnuts and brown sugar. Bake at 180 °C about a half an hour or until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool completely. Cut in squares.
Make a cup of tea or coffee & Enjoy! :)
Es ist wieder einmal ein trüber, kühler Tag , und ich kann nicht glauben, dass der Sommer vorbei ist- zumindest für den Moment! Ich packe heute für morgen, es geht ab in die Sommerferien, aber dieses grässliche Wetter erweckt in mir überhaupt kein "Sommerferien- Urlaubs-Feeling" ... Hoffe das wird sich ändern, wenn wir dann endlich auf dem Weg sind :D Ich lasse euch mal ein von mir erprobtes Kuchenrezept da, das ich ja in der Regel im Herbst oder Winter backe, wunderbare und reichhaltige Walnuss Schitten, die perfekt zu einer Tasse Tee oder Kaffee passen! Es passt ja mal sehr gut zu diesem Herbstwetter ... Seufz ...
Aber nun zurück zum Rezept:
Zutaten: (Backform: 20x20 cm)
Rezept übernommen von meiner Mutter.
Vorbereitungszeit: 20 min. Backzeit: 30 Min.
500 g Mehl
180 g Butter
100 g brauner Zucker
100 ml Milch
1 Pkg Trockenhefe
500 g Mehl
180 g Butter
100 g brauner Zucker
100 ml Milch
1 Pkg Trockenhefe
Marmelade nach Wahl (ich nahm Aprikosenmarmelade)
100 g gemahlene Walnüsse
100 g brauner Zucker
Den Teig (am besten händisch) aus Mehl, Milch und Hefe kneten, dann Stückchen kalter Butter und Zucker hinzugeben, durchkneten. Den Teig ausrollen. In das ausgefettete oder mit Backpapier ausgelegte Backblech geben, uund den Teig ausgiebig mit Marmelade bestreichen, und zuletzt mit einer Mischung aus Walnüssen und Zucker bestreuen. Bei 180 °C etwa eine halbe Stunde backen. Stäbchentest! Gut auskühlen lassen, in Schnitten schneiden, und am Besten mit einer Tasse Tee oder Kaffee genießen!
Ne mogu da vjerujem da je se ljeto "pozdravilo" od nas, barem zasad... Pakiram se za godišnji odmor, sutra krećemo na put, ali ovaj put mi totalno nedostaje onaj meni jako drag osjećaj radosti pred dalek put! Ona radost (doduše odraslog ;))) djeteta.... Nekako mi je trenutno ljeto tako daleko, i to u julu...:( Nadam se da će se sutra, kad krenemo, vratiti taj osjećaj. Ipak, čeka nas opuštanje koje nam je tako prijeko potrebno... JAKO potrebno! Ali, da ne duljim nekom svojom kuknjavom za lijepim, ljetnim vremenom i nedostatku toplih sunčanih zraka (jer pretpostavljam da i mnogi od vas isto tako misle i čekate na povratak ljeta), evo da vam ostavim i jedan receptić, koji se kod nas obično sprema u jesenjim i zimskim mjesecima, ali sad, po ovom vremenu, dobro "paše".
Sastojci:(za pleh 20x20cm)
Recept preuzet od moje mame :)
Vrijeme pripreme: 15 min. Vrijeme pečenja: 30 min.
500 g brašna
180 g maslaca
100 g smeđeg šećera
100 ml mlijeka
1 kvasac u prahu
marmelada po izboru
100 g mljevenih oraha
100 g smeđeg šećera
Pozdravljam vas sa jednom slikom sa prošlogodišnjeg odmora...
See you in two weeks, dear all!:)
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Bol, Brač Summer 2010 |
Thanks for dropping by my blog and love your walnut square.
ReplyDeleteSavršeno! Mame uvek imaju najlepše i najukusnije recepte!! :-))
ReplyDeleteThese squares sound great, especially with the walnuts on top. Fantastic!
ReplyDeleteMmmmmmmmmmm, Tanjice, izgleda super. Uživaj na godišnjem i želim ti puno sunčanih dana!
ReplyDeleteTanja , Tanja..ahh these looks amazing and so tempting! I would love one with my coffee right now:)) Picture of the sea..soo Amazing!!! just beautiful and enjoy your vacation!!!
ReplyDeleteHvala na ovom lepom desertu, nadam se da ce vas vreme fino posluziti i da ce se sunce ipak promoliti na kraju... zelim vam ugodan odmor i dobar provod!;)))
ReplyDeleteE to ja zovem neobicnim i interesantnim receptom...
ReplyDeleteDobar odmor zelim, Tanja!
I ja se nadam da ces se lepo odmoriti i vratiti nam se opet sa tvojim divnim postovima;) Orahe volim ovo izgleda bas socno:)
ReplyDeleteOvo je stvarno jedan krasan kolačić.
ReplyDeleteLijepo se odmori.
Držimo fige za puno sunca :)
Tanja, these squares look very very delicious! I love walnuts. I'll try it soon.
ReplyDeleteHave a nice day!
Sretan put i lijep odmor!!!
ReplyDeleteako ides ponovo na bol,znam da ce ti biti prekrasno,prelijpo mjesto !!!!!
kolac je super!!!
Draga Tanja, kolačić je krasan, i sretan put, krasno nam se provedi, uživaj, odmaraj :) Rekli su proljepšanje vremena, tako da ne brini ;)
ReplyDeleteOdličan kolač, super je recept !
ReplyDeleteLjeto nam se sigurno još vraća :), a tebi želim sretan put i lijepi odmor !!
Kolac je stvarno divan! :)
ReplyDeleteZelim vam sretan put i lepo se odmorite uz mnogo suncanih dana... :)
Sretan Put!Već ću danas praviti kolač!
ReplyDeleteHi Tanja! I am stopping by from to return the blog love! Your site is beautiful and I wish I had one of these walnut squares (or three) right now! I am following you back!
ReplyDeleteThese look amazing! Enjoy your vacation :)
ReplyDeleteHallo Tanja, die Walnuss-Schnitten sehen so was von lecker aus, und die Fotos ...... herrlich.:-))
ReplyDeleteWenn Du Zeit und Lust hast, guck bitte bei mir im Post vom 30. Juli rein, da wartet naemlich eine Ueberraschung auf Dich!
Schoenen Tag noch!
Sretan put i sunčani godišnji odmor želim, a recept bilježim za jesen...
ReplyDeleteLooks great! Yummy!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the add on Food Buzz! Love meeting other bloggers who love food just as much as me, lol!
Can't wait to make these. Beautiful pictures :D
ReplyDeleteDelicious - stunning pictures!
ReplyDeleteLooks fantastic, Tanja! I guess just how delicious!
ReplyDeleteIt's getting so warm these days .. would love to see some cool and rain. I have lost enthu to bake .. so until I get it back I will drool at this :)
Tanja, divan kolač bez jaja!! Nama se napokon lito vratilo i sad baš svim srcem uživam u njemu prije svih obaveza koje me čekaju krajem lita...
ReplyDeleteBila sam na Bolu prošle godine u svibnju, baš sam guštala dok sam se kupala, predivna je fotka, ali stvarnost je nešto šta se pamti, taj osjećaj, miris mora, boja mora...
A delicious cake, fresh and very nice color, I love it, looks spectacular, warm hugs.
ReplyDeleteBtw, zaboravih ti zaželjeti sretan put i ugodan odmor ma gdje bila :) Čekam tvoje utiske :) :)
ReplyDeleteThis looks so tasty… I have given you a "Cute Little Chef" Blog Award.Pl get your award here.
Wonderful recipe and very simple.
ReplyDeleteI will try and cook it because it seems great!
A wonderful day!
Nadam se da ćeš nam se uskoro vratiti s odmora.. Ja sam danas pisala o tvom blogu, nadam se da će ti se svidjeti izbor:
SO nice to see you featured on Time of Your Life! And these squares look as delicious as everything you make :)
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for linking up at Savvy HomeMade Monday, Tanja. We are partying again and I hope you will stop by! :)
ReplyDeleteUživaj na moru, odmori se, kupaj i ne misli na ništa!
ReplyDeleteKolač je fantastičan... orahe obožavama, hvala ti što si nas počastila sa ovim odličnim receptom
Pusa velika.