Butter buns, no matter if they are filled or not filled, if you make them once, you will make them again and again... My family recipe for soft savory yeast buns is this one. Fill them with ham, salami, cheese, champignons, whatever you like for stuffing, and these will make a perfect dinner or breakfast, especially when it is cold outside, and you are craving some comfort food. Just like me these days :)
For 12 buns (20x30 cm pan) you will need:
1 teaspoon sugar
1 packet active dry yeast
500 g all-purpose flour
1 egg
100 g unsalted melted butter
150-200 ml lukewarm milk
1 teaspoon salt
salami (or ham, sliced)
cheese of your choice (I used Gouda and cream cheese)
homemade ketchup
*I used homemade hummus for stuffing too, it tasted wonderful!
thyme, oregano, rosemary, parsley, sesame (black or plain)...
- Preheat oven to 180°C/ 350 F.
- Warm the milk, add some (about 100 ml) into a glass and add dry yeast and sugar, let it stand for 5 minutes until bubbles form on the surface.
- In a bowl stirr together milk, egg, then add flour, salt, yeast mixture and butter.
- Knead until smooth dough forms. Knead dough until dough cleans itself from the side of the bowl and until no longer sticky. If needed add some milk.
- Let dough rise on a warm place, for about 30 minutes, to double its volume.
- When the dough has risen. divide it into 12 equally shaped balls, roll them out and add filling of your choice, by lightly stretching the corners and putting some filling on each.
- Form balls and place them on a buttered or oiled pan, or use parchment paper.
- Brush buns with melted butter or egg wash and sprinkle sesame, thyme, rosemary, oregano on top.
- Bake at 180°C/ 350 F for about 25-30 minutes until golden.
Enjoy warm or cold!
Buhtle, mekane, slatke i slane, vrlo su praktične za izlete, za doručak, za večeru, onako vazdušaste, ne znam da li ima neko ko ih ne voli. Ne pravim ih često, jer kad ih napravim nestanu u trenu, pa gledam da se osim mene i M. nađe još degustatora, inače meni, a i mom dragom M. nema discipline... Sad kad je vani tako ružno vrijeme, hladno je, tmurno, vani bljuzgavica, nema ništa ljepš uz toplu buhtlu i čaj od mente, kojeg obožavam...
Za 12 slanih buhtli (pleh 20x30 cm) potrebno je:
500 g mekog brašna
1 suhi kvasac
1 žličica šećera
100 g otopljenog maslaca
1 jaje
150-200 ml mlijeka, mlakog
1 žlica soli
Za punjenje:
salama (ili šunka, isjeckana)
sir po želji (Gouda, ili neki kremasti sir)
ev. malo domaćeg kečapa, ili senf, po želji
Za posip:
sezam (bijeli i crni), kim, ružmarin, timijan, oregano, peršun (po želji)
- U čaši izmutite kvasac sa otprilike 100 ml mlijeka (od ukupno 15-200 ml), dodajte šećer, promiješajte i pustite otprilike 5 minuta da se digne.
- U većoj posudi stavite mlijeko, dodajte jaje, promiješajte.
- Onda dodajte postepeno brašno, sol, mlijeko s jajem, maslac, i rastopljeni kvasac.
- Tijesto mijesite dok ne dobijete glatku smjesu koja se lako odvaja od posude.
- Pustite tijesto da udvostruči volumen, otprilike 30 minuta, na toplom.
- Kada se tijesto udvostruči, premijesite rukama, onda podijelite tijesto na 12 kuglica.
- Svaku kuglicu na dlanovima spljoštite, razvucite malo krajeve (tijesto se jako lako da oblikovati), punite svaku punjenjem po želji ( ja sam ovaj put stavila više kombinacija, salamu sa kremastim sirom, kečap sa salamom i sirom, domaći humus sa salamom), formirajte kuglice, redajte u pleh obložen papirom za pečenje.
- Premazati svaku buhtlu ili maslacem ili razmućenim jajetom s malo mlijeka, i posuti po želji.
- Peći na 180°C 25-30 minuta, dok ne dobiju zlatno žutu boju.
- Služiti tople ili hladne.